Baeglir - Alex R [DEAD]

Baeglir first rose to prominence by stealing wine from the cup of Thor without the latter noticing till he tried to take a sip. No one has since worked out where said wine was hidden, and Baeglir has maintained an unhelpful silence on the matter ever since. Despite his best efforts to keep such things from becoming well known, he has nevertheless managed to build a reputation for unfairly stacking the odds in his favour, shortly before exploiting the position to the best of his ability. This has, however, left Baeglir with an enviable collection of trophies, the most valuable of which is rumored to be a dwarf forged item kept on his person at all times. The exact nature of the item varies depending on who is asked. Interestingly, though such exploits have the unfortunate side effect of enemies who sprout like weeds, Baeglir has never been known to carry any weapons.



The Asa then did take a sip
And in power drained himself,
And rising up from within
A dark and deathly howl.

The glint, the gleam;
It stole all who bore
The ring from its home
Amongst the maids of sea.

And this soul now twisted
As outside as within,
And grew to be as Fafnir
Was before his time had come.

From Akrskald's The Fate of Baeglir