Finnfrodr - Luke N


Finnfróðr is an explorer and adventurer who once braved the bitter cold of Niflheim for weeks on end and returned with tales of the Ice Jotun. He is charismatic and a heavy drinker, and is frequently seen with his mischievous friend Bíldr. It is well known that before the great sleep he boasted that he could travel to Helheim and return alive.


As a guardian of the Bifrost, Finnfrodr spent long months touring the length of the relaid Rainbow Bridge, smoothing out hazardous patches and ensuring travellers safe passage across the expanse. Only when he judged it completely safe to travel (or as safe as any bridge across a cosmic void can be) did he pass his charge

With Asgardian SCIENCE! banned on Asgard and New Valhalla, he took the practice underground, setting up a 'lab' in the abandoned ruins of Svartalfheim where occasional explosions and biological calamities wouldn't cause too much offence. With the assistance of Eric and a frequently confused but ultimately friendly nanoswarm they set about creating a vessel capable of exploring the stars.

Many moons of SCIENCE!, science and divine intervention later the Asgardian Science Ship JARNBOMINABLE lifted off to seek out new worlds, new life and new wagers. Crewed by the brave, curious and foolhardy, gathered from Asgard, Midgard and New Valhalla, the JARNBOMINABLE sailed off into the stars.

Many were surprised when it returned years later bearing tales of adventure, wagers made and won and exciting new flavours of alcohol brewed under alien stars. Captain Finnfrodr, took on new supplies, swapped stories with old friends and then took off to the frontier once more…

The nanoswarm watched as the A.S.S JARNBOMINABLE accelerated off into the blackness of space, leaving HUNGRY to its own devices. As it began to assimilate the nearby gas giant, the swarm diverted a minute amount of its processing capacity to worrying about the fate of Captain Finnfrodr and his intrepid crew. Their ship utilised the pinnacle of earth's space technology and many of the crew were talented scientists, however it also utilised a large number of pipes full of volatile alcohol, completely superfluous 'mead engines' and a considerably larger proportion of the crew were enthusiastic SCIENTISTS!
HUNGRY rated the ship's chance of remaining conventionally space worthy before reaching its next destination at about 30% It had tried to indicate to the captain that it wasn't confident about their chances of remaining intact, but Finnfrodr had been confident that he was 'getting the hang of this lightspeed thing', and as ever seemed entirely oblivious to the risk.

Before joining the JARNBOMINABLE expedition, the swarm had always been frightened of the many dangers the universe posed to its existence, but being on a star ship surrounded by members of the Asgardian Science Council had taught it the true meaning of imminent danger. The eventual heat death of the universe seemed far less pressing a concern when your captain was making wagers about whether he could steer around an event horizon whilst blindfolded.

As it set about consuming all matter in this star system, HUNGRY reflected that it was fortunate it was both several galaxies and dimensions away from the gods. Those guys were dangerous!