Dr Jeremy "Overkill" Thorpe - Jonathan H [DEAD]

Email: jeremy_thorpe@ragnarok.chaosdeathfish.com

Recently seconded to UNITED from the Fortune 15 company MILTEK International, to assist in the development, provision and reverse engineering of new weapons and technologies.


Extract from the book A study of the Evil Mind by Mellinda Davoth.

Of course when looking for subjects to analyze for the this book the first two names which came to mind were those of Anarcharsis Demotte and Jeremy Thorpe who between them represented the height of the now thankfully almost extinct Humanity First movement.

Demotte of course was the first of the two to strike unleashing a wave of nukes in what is the largest mass killing and genocide to date. Many excuses were offered for his actions from tragic loss to possession by Hellish outsiders. Were these by themselves however enough to drive him to his actions. Alas due to what many percieve as the premature destruction of his wraith collar we will never know quite what drove him.

Thorpe of course came next and although his plan did not come to fruition it was mindblowing in it's magnitude. Had he not been stopped fully half of creation would have ceased to be. In his case however he left numerous post-humus accounts explaining the reasons for his actions which I have included below although I am sure that you like me will find them unconvincing. It appears in the end that Thorpe was just mad and unfortunately had access to far more power than a man in his position should have done.

The private diaries of Dr Thorpe

It's days like today that make one sit back and ask the question “Have I crossed the line and turned Evil?”. While I remain convinced of the correctness of our cause to establish a Human Hegemony to ensure the continued freedom of Earth and its peoples, sometimes the compromises one has to make are sickening. Today was one of those days where I've had to make far too many such calls:

A later entry then reads

At the end of the day, the problem isn't the dwarves, the elves, or the jotun. These are being who, on a fundamental level, we can deal with. The Asgardians and the Vannaheim on the other hand. They are dangerous, and have little respect for the lives of those they consider “lesser” beings. Given Demotte's nuclear apoclypse has probably killed any humans that remain on Asgard, and the liklihood that we can evacuate the remaining denizens, I feel that we can metaphysically destroy the planet without crossing any real moral barriers. The hope is that we can remove their magic without killing them. Without their magic they are not a threat to Earth. I had originally considered an alternative plan that destroys the entire other world tree. However I cannot bring myself to commit a crime against people we can “do business” with. I did question whether Vannaheim needed to go (a simple modification of the plans for their teleportation project could have done it). However I've been convinced that they have demonstrated a good amount of common sense and fair-mindedness in their kingdom that treats gods and men almost equally. They've also been subject to Asgardian rule, and are less likely to commit the same mistakes themselves. Add to that the fact that the planet has been saved from a nuclear Armageddon and it is hard to justify its extermination. I pray that Humanity does not regret this decision in the end.

In all liklihood I'll end up a martyr like Demotte. In an ideal world they'll villify us as monsters who acted independently of Earth, and the backlash will focus entirely upon ourselves. But on the back of our work Humanity shall restore itself as master of its own destiny, and sieze its place among the rulers of the meta-verse. Regardless of what they say, we know this. We proved that basic Human ingenuity could better any “god”. That we do not need to become something other than what we are to achieve our ends. Let it be known that Humanity need not go quietly into the night. Jeremy Thorpe I did what was needed

until the final entry reads

Those do-gooding fools! (Oh god, I'm starting to sound like Robomnimable) Why did they have to detect the second device, rather than fall for the diversion? Hopefully the fake I built can put them off the scent. If not I'll try and avoid murdering Yuri and the McQueens, just disabling them should hopefully be sufficient. Prometheus is however a traitor to Humanity, turning himself into some form of dwarf-golem abomination. And the travel God can just die. Given the Alf's actions I was seriously reconsidering making the tree-sapping device the one the suceeded - but I'm told one of their major cities still exists on Vannaheim, so I wouldn't get them all. Perhaps I should focus on some form of biological agent to do away with them? Having (almost) saved Earth from the control of these power-crazed aliens, I now find out that Traitors Among Us are trying to turn control of the planet over to a crazed AI. Do I really have to save the planet again?

There is also a now famous video released posthumously by the Doctor.

[ http://youtu.be/D3Y07yft9s8 ]

Of course none of this tells us how to prevent the rise of another such man in the future but we must all be watchful and perhaps the mandatory emotional screening currently being proposed should be adopted.