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Turn 0 News

Ragnarok Approaches

“Midgard is already in the grip of the Fimbulwinter, and so we may be certain that Ragnarok is almost upon us. We have little time to make our preparations for the great battle and the end of the world.
Many of us will surely perish, but let us not be overcome with despair; let us make certain that our death's will be glorious, that our enemies will be crushed, and that the memory of glorious Asgard will endure into the new world, to recounted in story and song for a thousand, thousand years!”
-Freya's words in council at Gladsheim

If the predictions of the Asgardians are at all accurate, then in under two years Earth will be facing multiple extinction level environmental events brought about by a coalition of hostile intra-dimensional races.
Many of you may be sceptical about our brief in the Ragnarok taskforce, but I expect every one of you to do everything in your power to ensure that we are ready for whatever the future holds. We need to make allies, on Earth and beyond, develop protections to save every person we possibly can, and ensure that whoever our foes are, humanity is their match.
-Address from Colonel Busia to the Taskforce

Odin Missing

“Where has he got to? I don't know where to find him - I'm not his keeper! I am concerned he is gone though. And without me! Think of that, off on some adventure without friends or backup or even just company. Unless he's strapped a jotnar to his horse! HAAHAHAHAHAA! So someone must go an find him and bring him back, because Ragnarok is still coming to us. Yes, I know you're all scared or doubtful, so let's just get Odin back and we'll be right as thunder.”
-Thor speaks of the disappearance of Odin

“I have compiled below the full details of the conversations we have had with the 'Aesir'. You will find the transcripts most enlightening, but I can summarise the key points. The first - the one that they call Odin, that can so far be reliably identified with the mythological Odin we know, is missing. Nobody has heard from him since before we made first contact and across all strata of their society the word is the same - Odin is gone. This has caused some concern among the 'Aesir' society, although there is nothing simple to compare it to, but at the moment they seem somewhat lost themselves.”
-Extract from the report of Dr. Isawagi on the latest cultural intel from AM021-X

Conference Room Mystery Phenomena

During an impromptu meeting between the messenger god Skirnir and Colonel Busia, in a vehicle hanger close to the ITP Gate, it was discovered that the god was unable to manifest his miraculous powers whilst inside the room. Whilst obviously a cause of some initial consternation for the Asgardians, the benefits of a meeting place where the humans weren't in constant paranoia about their water being turned into mead, or their heads set on fire were eventually acknowledged.

The hanger has been converted into a comfortable conference room to serve as a point of contact between the Ragnarok Taskforce and the Asgardians.

A team from the UNITED research department are working with the god Kvasir to analyse the phenomenon and other persons are requested not to intrude on the investigation at this time.