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News Turn 6

Njall Lost to Muspellheim

UNITED reports and news across Asgard tells of the travel god Njall being lost to the fires of Muspellheim. On an expedition to explore the fiery realm and identify the threats therein, the travelers were attacked and their vessel nearly destroyed. Njall was able to cast the others back to Midgard, but was unable to return himself. It is believed he perished in the conflagration.

His skills are lauded and celebrated in Asgard.

Jormungandr on Europa

The whole of Midgard marvelled at the sight of Jormungandr rising from the ocean to ascend the rainbow bridge into the heavens.

Observatories conveniently situated above flood levels were able to observe the World Serpent's reappearance near Jupiter and its susequent slide back down to curl around the frozen moon of Europa.

Those in Asgard were disturbed as the Serpent momentarily poked its great head into their realm and then withdrew. Most worryingly however its passage has left the Bifrost shaky and crumbling and the Rainbow bridge's imminent collapse now seems a certainty.

All Midgard Flooded

The shock of Jormungandr's withdrawl from Earth has sent the waves lashing high against the Cavenson Domes of Midgard. Water levels have consistently risen since and a last-ditch effort by Dr Cavenson, with the help of Reysa and Skjoll, secured a handful more domes.

The majority of Midgard's population now resides in domes and a few floating fleets. A great deal of the later are designated as well-armed and extremely dangerous. Reports of piracy have been recorded by all major powers.

A small part of humanity survives at high altitudes where flooding has not occurred and significant communities exist in the Urals, Andes and around Central Asia.

Communications, food resources and most other conveniences are scarce and highly-controlled by the various major power-blocks. Following the breakdown of civil power, a significant proportion of the world's resources are also controlled by non-state entities. Unless the waters recede, the state of the world is not viable for the long-term survival of the remaining population.

Freyja’s War Council

Representatives from the Six of the Nine Worlds gathered to discuss final preparations and alliances for the inevitable onslaught of Ragnarok, including the surprise and shocking appearance of the Elven Queen Nassé. Present at the meeting:

Following tense, heated and serious discussions, the following terms have been decided:

Death of the Traitor

Rumours around Asgard have been abound that one of the Vanir, Cavour, has been killed by some of the other gods for treachery. Those who could be convinced to comment have said that Cavour was responsible for betraying a vital plan to the late Jotunn leader Utgard-Loki; this resulted in the near death of many Humans, Vanir and Aesir.

No one is quite sure of the circumstances of Cavour's death, but he was seen fleeing Valaskjalf pursued by a mob of gods, before disappearing. As of yet no body has been found.

Jack Foster Arrested

Australian special aide, Jack Foster, is once again in custody following a joint UNITED-Asgard taskforce's thwarting of a monstrous assault on European cities.

News footage shows Jaeger wrestling with a giant mutant ape whilst gyropters buzz past peppering the monster with fire.

ARES officer Gideon McQueen made the arrest and has been praised by Interpol sources.

Footage of McQueen in his PHOBOS armour hauling Foster through a jeering crowd. A reporter jams a mike in his face.

“Any comments, Gideon?”

“Got the &*%$, bang to rights!”

ERU extended its thanks to its loyal forces who deployed to protect civilian life.

Footage of a surfaced submarines sloughing through a murkey tide of bio-monster gore.

Sebastien Vorn taking work break

Sebastien Vorn the head of green future is reportedly on a work break having not been seen for several weeks. The organization is assuring people however that he said he would be back just as soon as he finished a side project which must just be overrunning.

Ve and Vili defeated

“So I hear Odin caught his brothers in bed with some of his Valkyries and set a war party on them.”

“No, no it was all Jafnadhr's plan to seize Hoddmimir's Holt. Don't you know nothing?”

“Well whatever it was I hear they battled up and down the Bifrost for a day and a night before the brothers jumped off the bridge to escape!”

“Are you a bloody idiot? No one is dumb enough to throw themselves off the rainbow bridge! The brothers were pushed off. It was Jaeger that done it, he's the strongest man is Asgard!”

“Wasn't just him, didn't you see them trooping back? Didn't you here 'em? Steinnas and Finnfrodr roaring out a victory song and sullen Sannast grouching home behind them.”

“Well yeah, it was a group effort then. Saw Odin's helper Harald floating past, that is a strange lad, he had about a dozen arms! They even brought some humans in to help; I saw that Sykes fellow and his folks motoring by on their battle-chariot.”

“Anyhow the important thing is we've definitely seen the last of those two trouble makers!”

Dr Abominable unmasked!

The nefarious Dr Abominable, the terrorist behind the mass drone attack on North America and the attack on the ARES facility in Australia, has been unmasked by UNITED authorities as none other than noted roboticist Dr Tony Artemis during a confrontation at his island volcano base including Lady Dragon Hawk. The eruption of the volcano caused Gideon McQueen and Harald - the duo sent in to apprehend Abominable - to flee, leaving the fate of the villain unknown. Lady Dragon Hawk was not seen to survive the explosion and is presumed dead.

Barney Lamb, assistant to Dr Abominable, has been approached by authorities for his response to the revelation and denies all knowledge of Artemis's secret alter ego, promising to devote his future work to help combat the damage done by his former boss. In interview, he expressed how glad he was to leave Artemis's employ before it could endanger his own life, and expressed thanks to UNITED forces for revealing the deception.

Alfheim Airborne

The great capital city of Alfheim, built onto, into and around an enormous, golden leafed tree, has been seen floating several miles above the surface of Alfheim, in full view of the Nine Worlds. Closer inspection shows that it has been sheared fully from the ground by elven Arch Mages, taking the tree entirely with it. This has been seen by many as not only the elven survival plan for Ragnarok, but a great show of force by the Arch Mages.

The offensive and defensive capabilities of the floating city - now being known as Alné - are yet unknown, but as a battalion of archers and mages head to Asgard and Vanaheim, it can be assumed that even greater forces now lie on the very much mobile city of the Elves.

Queen Nassé was unavailable for comment.

The Wolves Circle

Scouts in Asgard have reported the spawn of Fenrir massing in great numbers on the isle of Lyngvi and many are beginning to paddle across to the shore. The huge form of their parent has been seen stalking the far horizon and doomsayers whisper that the fall of Asgard is now at hand.

Plain of Vigrid forms

On every realm a new plain has suddenly sprung into existence. In Midgard it can be seen from most of the Scandanavian domes, the ocean waters strangely refusing to flow into the open field.

From the walls of Asgard and the Vanir city of Hygrad the plain can also be seen. The Jotun speak of it spilling out of place where once a narrow valley stood. In Svartalfheim the refuse collectors speak of green grass where the toxic surface of their planet should stand. The elves are tightlipped as ever but do not deny that they have seen it somewhere within their forest.

From upon the plain Heimdall has seen the searing fires of Muspellheim and the wastes of Niflheim. And across a great ocean he spies the still mists of Hel.

Every realm is joined, every realm is threatened. This is Vigrid: the battlefield of Ragnarok.
