Surt rides forth with a blazing sword leading a host from Muspellheim.
1) follows in his wake with the army of Niflheim, freezing the ground and ensuring nothing will grow back.
The children of Fenrir, the wolves Skoll and Hati, swallow the sun and the moon.
Loki and his brother Byleistr lead the armies of Helheim into battle as they arrive on the ship Naglfar.
Tyr faces Sinmara and she is cut down by the giantess, to be swallowed by the helhound Garm.
Thor kills Jormungand, then dies from the World Serpent's poison.
Loki and Heimdall kill each other.
The valkyrie Kára and Thrud
2) chase down and fight Skoll and Hati.
Fenrir swallows Odin.
3) rips open Fenrir's jaws.
Freyja leads the dead of Folkvangr and routs the army of Muspellheim.
4) will be slain by Hel.
Baldur returns from Helheim to reconcile with his brother
Surt kills Freyja and Freyr.
Surt's fires burn the nine worlds.
Frigg strives to defend Asgard from its enemies and dies upon her throne.
The leader of the Jotnar will be crushed to death as Jotunheim burns.