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bio:tony_artemis [2014/01/20 16:46]
bio:tony_artemis [2014/03/12 18:46] (current)
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-====== Dr Abominable (previously Dr Tony Artemis- James W ======+====== Dr Damian Maxwell A.K.A Dr Robominable A.K.A Wagermakerdr A.K.A Dr Tony Artemis - James W [DEAD] ======
-A robotics researcher at the medium-sized engineering concern Slate Engineering, Dr Tony Artemis comes very highly recommended as an expert in many fields of autonomous robots. He brings with him a team of two dedicated research assistants from the company, as well as a third associate, whose slow manner of speech and requirement of repeated explanation of things indicates he is probably not a research assistant, nor of much assistance at all.+<del>A robotics researcher at the medium-sized engineering concern Slate Engineering, Dr Tony Artemis comes very highly recommended as an expert in many fields of autonomous robots. He brings with him a team of two dedicated research assistants from the company, as well as a third associate, whose slow manner of speech and requirement of repeated explanation of things indicates he is probably not a research assistant, nor of much assistance at all.</del>
 While records indicate a handful of minor incidents attributed to a 'Dr Abominable' going back over a decade, little was known about who or what this was until recently, when a slew of attacks against targets in North America and worldwide led Gideon McQueen, accompanied by Harold and the mysterious Lady Dragon Hawk, to an uncharted volcanic island somewhere in the middle of [REDACTED]. It was here they discovered the lair of Dr Abominable, who by all appearances had been infiltrating U.N.I.T.E.D. meetings under the guise of noted roboticist Dr Tony Artemis. While records indicate a handful of minor incidents attributed to a 'Dr Abominable' going back over a decade, little was known about who or what this was until recently, when a slew of attacks against targets in North America and worldwide led Gideon McQueen, accompanied by Harold and the mysterious Lady Dragon Hawk, to an uncharted volcanic island somewhere in the middle of [REDACTED]. It was here they discovered the lair of Dr Abominable, who by all appearances had been infiltrating U.N.I.T.E.D. meetings under the guise of noted roboticist Dr Tony Artemis.
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 Email: [[tony_artemis@ragnarok.chaosdeathfish.com]] Email: [[tony_artemis@ragnarok.chaosdeathfish.com]]
-{{tag>united_bio}}+{{ :bio:abominable_logo.png?200 |Fools}} 
 +===== Eternity ===== 
 +//Dr Abominable was one of the most nefarious villains to ever grace the planet with his presence.  His single-mindedness to his goal was absolute, despite his distractions with the infamous Asgardian Science Council, and of all the villainous individuals who arose during the Ragnarok Crisis, he came arguably the closest to achieving his goals, with the image of the burning Final Wager crashing through New York City never leaving the hearts or minds of those who lost so much on that fateful day.//  
 +- Excerpt from "UNITED: The Ragnarok Crisis", E. Wilkinson. 
 +"The British United Nations operatives killed in an alleged 'friendly-fire' incident in Kenya last month have been named by official sources as Rebecca House and Simon Maxwell. The US military has continued to refuse to comment on the matter, however in a statement a United Nations spokesperson said there were no plans for an internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident." 
 +//- BBC News, November 2023// 
 +"There are calls for an inquiry into police handling of the hunt for Emily Adams, the so-called 'Auckland Arsonist', after she once again evaded capture this week. Ms Adams was caught at the scene of a warehouse fire at a distribution facility belonging to the British engineering concern SLATE Engineering two days ago, but has since vanished. SLATE spokeswoman Bethan King told reporters at a press conference this morning that the firm was fully cooperating with the police search for the missing woman, whose recent spree of arson attacks is thought to have caused more than 3 million NZD worth of property damage." 
 +//- News report on New Zealand radio, April 2042// 
 +"It has come to our attention that a number of personnel are circulating rumours of 'dubious' activity regarding the apparent disappearance of several criminal persons recently caught inside our facilities. As per company policy, you are reminded that any genuine concerns should be escalated to the appropriate persons within the company - in this specific instance, given the ongoing police investigations, please contact Bethan King on the Executive Board, who will personally ensure your concerns are dealt with. In other news, the Accountancy Department is reminded of this afternoon's compulsory training seminar to deal with recently detected discrepancies in stock distribution." 
 +//- SLATE Engineering internal HR memo, July 2042// 
 +"Y'know Gemma and Dell, over in Robotics?" 
 +"Who? Oh, those two what got assigned to that new fellow?" 
 +"Yeah, Artemis' assistants. Well, King called them up to her office earlier - they were gone for ages! But man, you should've seen their faces when they came out. I dunno what she told them in there, but I think something's definitely up. They won't say what it was about though. My bet is she's got them working on some secret project for the higher ups." 
 +//- Idle chat, SLATE Engineering break room, February 2044// 
 +//2000 Years Later...// 
 +The //Seahorse// was a state-of-the-art vessel.  Designed to go deeper than any ship before it, the Government tasked it with exploring the great depths of the enormous Jormungandr trench and find what truly lay in the deepest depths of the oceans of Earth.  After months of searching, little had been found beyond large scales until eventually the spotlights of the ship shone upon a rusting metal object on the ocean floor. 
 +Immediately, the object was recovered and brought on board for investigation.  It was caked in a millenia of sea-water and rust, almost impossible to see through, but thanks to the technology of the time, this was expertly removed to reveal the strangest thing - a metal head with something that looked like a prehistoric version of the modern day WRAITH necklace. 
 +Intrigued, the scientists aboard the //Seahorse// went to contact their supervisors, leaving the strange head in the warm lights of the state-of-the-art sun lamps. 
 +None of them recognised the ancient solar panels on top of the head...  
 +None of them noticed as power trickled once more into the aged batteries...  
 +None of them saw as the lights on the collar started to flicker back to life... 
 +{{tag>eternity united_bio}}
bio/tony_artemis.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/12 18:46 by gm_tom
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