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playground:playground [2014/03/09 02:55]
tony_artemis [Dr Abominable Appreciation Society]
playground:playground [2015/06/30 18:04] (current)
dmitri_voronov [Does anyone still check these things?]
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 This is an out of character area, that anyone can edit. Feel free to put what you like here, but be aware that Loki, anyone and everyone else can see it; so it's not safe for in character conversations. This is an out of character area, that anyone can edit. Feel free to put what you like here, but be aware that Loki, anyone and everyone else can see it; so it's not safe for in character conversations.
 +**Just in case you were interested,** I count 2780 separate email CONVERSATION THREADS in my inbox from Ragnarok.  - Tom
 +**To follow that up** - I count **10660** emails since 2/11/2013 in my Rangarok folder - Jasper
 {{https://24.media.tumblr.com/924cddd9e16bf817d092ff582345674f/tumblr_mzkif5e9ba1skiafyo1_500.png}}\\ {{https://24.media.tumblr.com/924cddd9e16bf817d092ff582345674f/tumblr_mzkif5e9ba1skiafyo1_500.png}}\\
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 {{http://imageshack.com/a/img43/4576/9f2w.jpg?300|}} {{http://imageshack.com/a/img43/4576/9f2w.jpg?300|}}
 +===== L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N =====
 +It was good while it lasted - [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za1LdYvlnLw]]
 ===== Dr Abominable Appreciation Society ===== ===== Dr Abominable Appreciation Society =====
Line 326: Line 335:
 [[:merry_christmas|Christmas slash]] [[:merry_christmas|Christmas slash]]
 +==== Does anyone still check these things? ====
 +I do!
 +Two can play at that game >:D
playground/playground.1394333714.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/03/09 02:55 by tony_artemis
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